People | The Brown Lab

The Brown Lab


Matt4.25Matthew W. Brown, Ph.D.
Dr. Donald L. Hall Professor of Biology
Professor, Biological Sciences
Sanderson Excellence Dean's Eminent Scholar, College of Arts & Sciences
IGBB Fellow
……Office: 008 Harned Hall
……Lab: 032 Harned Hall
……Office Tel: 662.325.2406
……Lab Tel: 662.325.4008
………….Research Gate Profile
………….Google Scholar Profile
………….ORCID Profile
……B.Sc. Biology, University of Arkansas
……Ph.D. Biology, University of Arkansas
Postdoctoral Research
Centre for Comparative Genomics and Evolutionary Bioinformatics,
Dalhousie University (under Andrew J. Roger, FRSC)

Postdoctoral Scholars

Grad Students

Idan.4.25.72dpiIdan Banson, B.Sc.
Ph.D. Student (2023-)
……B.Sc. University of Health and Allied Sciences, Ghana.
Ph.D. Project:
Comparative genomics and genomic manipulation in Amoebozoa

NickFry.4.25.72dpiNicholas Fry, B.Sc.
Ph.D. Candidate (2019-)
……B.Sc. University of Arkansas
Ph.D. Project:
Comparative Genomics of Amoebozoa with a particular focus on sporocarpic amoebae

Tristan.4.25.72dptTristan Henderson, B.Sc.
Ph.D. Student (2021-)
……B.Sc. Houston Baptist University
Ph.D. Project:
All things protist

Felicity.4.25-72-NEWFelicity Kleitz-Singleton, B.Sc.
Ph.D. Student (2022-). NSF-GRFP Fellow
……B.Sc. Mississippi State University
Ph.D. Project:
Diversity and evolution of Discosea

High School Students

Violet.4.25Violet Jira
The Mississippi School for Mathematics and Science (
Amoeboid cell cytoskeletal imaging using immunofluorescence confocal laser scanning microscopy

DanielleMcConnell-4.25_72Danielle McConnell
The Mississippi School for Mathematics and Science (
Project: Discosean diversity.

Visiting Scholars and Grad Students

Alfredo.4.2572Alfredo Leonardo Porfirio de Sousa, M.Sc.
Ph.D. Student
Alfredo is getting his Ph.D. in Dr. Daniel J.G. Lahr's laboratory in Sao Paulo Brazil. He is working on testate amoeba transcriptomics

Kina4.25Kina García Martín, M.Sc.
Ph.D. Student
(9/2015-12/2015 | 6/2016-11/2016)

Kina is getting her Ph.D. in Prof. Carlos Lado’s laboratory in Madrid Spain. She is working on Myxogastrid Transcriptomics.

David-4.25inchDavid Žihala, M.Sc.
Ph.D. Student
David is an expert programmer working on software development on phylogenetics.

Undergrad Students

JaydenBess-4.25_72Jayden Bess
(2022-2023) Microbiology, B.Sc., Mississippi State University

EmilyDale.4.25.72Emily Dale
(2022) Microbiology, Mississippi State University

NickGibson.4.25.72Nicholas Gibson
(2022-) Microbiology, Mississippi State University

Felicity.4.25-72-NEWFelicity Kleitz-Singleton
(2021-) Microbiology, Mississippi State University

Maggie.4.25.72Maggie Shepherd
(2021-) Microbiology, Mississippi State University

Former Trainees
Postdoctoral Scholars

Quentin.4.25in72dpiQuentin Blandenier, Ph.D
……Ph.D. Biology, University of Neuchâtel, Switzerland
B.Sc. Biology, University of Neuchâtel, Switzerland
……M.Sc. Biology, University of Neuchâtel, Switzerland

Alex.4.25in72dpiAlexander Tice, Ph.D.
As of August 2023: Assistant Professor in Biological Sciences Texas Tech University
……Ph.D. Biology, Mississippi State University
B.Sc. Biology, University of Arkansas
……M.Sc. Biology, University of Arkansas

Tomas.4.25SMALL-72DPIMgr. Tomáš Pánek, Ph.D.
fea-fulbrightFulbright Scholar, Biological Sciences

B.Sc. Charles University in Prague (summa cum laude)
M.Sc. Charles University in Prague (summa cum laude)
Ph.D. Zoology, Charles University in Prague; supervisor: doc. RNDr. Ivan Čepička, Ph.D.
Postdoctoral Research
2015 – 2019: Postdoctoral fellow, University of Ostrava, Department of Biology and Ecology, Marek Eliáš lab
Current Position
2019 – on:
Assistant Professor (Equivalent) Charles University Prague

Grad Students

RoberJonesRobert Jones, Ph.D.
Ph.D. Graduate (2018-2024)
……Ph.D. Biology, Mississippi State University
……B.Sc. Biology, Mississippi State University
Ph.D. Project: Bioinformatics in Phylogenomic and Comparative Genomics

Seungho4.25in72DPISeungho Kang, Ph.D.
Ph.D. 2020 (student 2014-2020)
……Ph.D. Biology, Mississippi State University
……B.Sc. (Honors) Biology, University College London
……M.Sc. Molecular Medical Genetics, Aberdeen University
……M.Sc. Applied Parasitology and Medical Entomology, Liverpool
Ph.D. Project:
Phylogenomics of Amoebozoa

Alex.4.25in72dpiAlexander Tice, Ph.D.
Ph.D. 2020 (student 2014-2020)
……Ph.D. Biology, Mississippi State University
B.Sc. Biology, University of Arkansas
……M.Sc. Biology, University of Arkansas

Gabe-4.25inchGabriel Schuler, M.Sc.
M.Sc. Graduate (2016-2018)
……B.Sc. Biology, St. Francis University
M.Sc. Biology, Mississippi State University
M.Sc. Project:
Evolution of zoonotic amoebae
Currently a Ph.D. student at Cornell University in Microbiology

Undergrad Students

ChrisChristopher Lebeau, B.Sc.

……B.Sc. Biological Engineering, Mississippi State University

Nate.4.25Nate Hyams, B.Sc.

……B.Sc. Biological Engineering, Mississippi State University

SamSammira Rais-Rohani, B.Sc.
B.Sc. Bio-Engineering Undergraduate Researcher
(2018-2019) Amoebae from Mississippi State University campus

Robert.4.25SMALLG. Robert Berry, B.Sc.
B.Sc. General Science Undergraduate Researcher
(2017) Diversity of protosteloid amoebae

Emily.4.25-SMALLEmily Foreman, B.Sc.
B.Sc. Microbiology Undergraduate Researcher
(2016-2017) Diversity of zoonotic amoebae.
Peter.4.25-SMALLPeter Kooienga, B.Sc.
B.Sc. Biochemistry Undergraduate Researcher
(2016-2018) Diversity of marine amoebozoans.

Priya Patel, B.Sc.
B.Sc. Biology Undergraduate Researcher
(2017) Acrasid cellular slime mold development.

Austin Walthall
B.Sc. Microbiology Undergraduate Researcher
Project: Diversity of freshwater amoebae in Mississippi ephemeral pools

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Nicholas Bailey (2014-2015)
B.Sc. Biology Undergraduate Researcher
Project: Protosteloid amoebae of Mississippi

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Nicolas Lee (2013)
B.Sc. Biology Undergraduate Researcher
Shackouls Honors College at Mississippi State University
Project: Protistan parasites of Mississippi anurans  
Funded by:
……MSU Department of Biological Sciences Undergraduate Research Award
……Northeast Mississippi Daily Journal Undergraduate Research Award

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Stephanie Sorrell (2013-2014)
B.Sc. Medical Technology Undergraduate Researcher
Shackouls Honors College at Mississippi State University
Project: Amoebozoa phylogenomics
Society of Scholars

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Pamela Watson (2013-2015)
B.Sc. Biology Undergraduate Researcher
Project: Diversity of ruminate inhabiting amoebae